Skip Recess and Learn to Garden Instead!

Does skipping recess and learning to become a gardener or farmer sound like more fun and useful? Of course it does and that’s just what the, Grow Your Own! program is currently doing at local schools.

What started as a small local program as grown into much more, expanding to as many areas as they can handle.

“Since 2012, the Grow Your Own! program has expanded to serve 30 area schools, and now receives more applications than it can accept. The Ecology Center consults with schools about garden design and provides guidance about what to plant. The organization also offers curriculum development and ongoing training for teachers and garden volunteers.”

This is by far one of most beneficial programs I’ve heard of popping up at U.S. schools in a very long time. Typically schools focus on boasting sports programs rather than teaching skills that can help students succeed, so it’s very nice to hear that something like this is now happening.

Who knows maybe this will inspire some of you to go out there and push your schools to do the same or even start up your own program!