Weird news stories from around the world. Discover the weirdest stories covering the most bizarre topics you can possibly think of. Just the type of stuff that will leave you saying — WTF?!

Women beat then shoot employee over a missing hamburger
Women beat then shoot employee over a missing hamburger
Lost For Life Documentary featuring the Scream Killers
Lost For Life Documentary featuring the Scream Killers
Disney employees arrested for human trafficking
Disney employees arrested for human trafficking
These Young Boys Vanished from Cars. WTF?!
These Young Boys Vanished from Cars. WTF?!
Male Shaniqua: ‘I’ll go to Burger King!’
Male Shaniqua: ‘I’ll go to Burger King!’
Greasy Hair Gel Predator vs Hansen
Greasy Hair Gel Predator vs Hansen
Child of Rage Documentary
Child of Rage Documentary
Fauci’s agency blew over $400k to abuse beagles
Fauci’s agency blew over $400k to abuse beagles
Just Melvin, Just Evil Documentary
Just Melvin, Just Evil Documentary
Emanuel Cleaver blasphemes God in the name of ‘Brahma’
Emanuel Cleaver blasphemes God in the name of ‘Brahma’
Huge locusts swarm Somalia resulting in a national emergency
Huge locusts swarm Somalia resulting in a national emergency
Man arrested for trying to resurrect his dead grandmother
Man arrested for trying to resurrect his dead grandmother
Giant Asian Murder Hornets gaining foothold in Washington State
Giant Asian Murder Hornets gaining foothold in Washington State
30-foot creature could explain lost ships in Bermuda Triangle
30-foot creature could explain lost ships in Bermuda Triangle
Civilized World: 230 Years of Peace Out of 3500
Civilized World: 230 Years of Peace Out of 3500
USA has been at War for 200+ years since founded
USA has been at War for 200+ years since founded
Huguette Clark (Unique People)
Huguette Clark (Unique People)
Howard Hughes (Unique People)
Howard Hughes (Unique People)
Mysterious John McAfee Documentary
Mysterious John McAfee Documentary
Man Claims Security Camera Captured Angel Floating Above His Truck
Man Claims Security Camera Captured Angel Floating Above His Truck
Newlyweds Spot “Angel” in the Clouds
Newlyweds Spot “Angel” in the Clouds
Mary Jane Barker – Unsolved Missing Persons
Mary Jane Barker – Unsolved Missing Persons
Illuminati: Are They a Myth or Reality?
Illuminati: Are They a Myth or Reality?
Creepy Mona Lisa Lookalike Spotted in France
Creepy Mona Lisa Lookalike Spotted in France
Trashy Lady Shaves Legs in Hotel Pool and Gives Zero F-cks
Trashy Lady Shaves Legs in Hotel Pool and Gives Zero F-cks
Ancient Egyptian Scarab Found During Passover
Ancient Egyptian Scarab Found During Passover
Maine Lake Experiences Snowball Waves
Maine Lake Experiences Snowball Waves
Vanishing of Madison Scott: Still Missing After 1600+ Days
Vanishing of Madison Scott: Still Missing After 1600+ Days
Dryer Melts but Pizza Box Lives at Duke University
Dryer Melts but Pizza Box Lives at Duke University
Guinness declares longest baguette in the world!
Guinness declares longest baguette in the world!


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